Thursday, September 26, 2013



Get framed is a harsh tag laced behind fun activity that incorporates photography and a prop frame to market individuals within an event. It’s a project of the Upart Together group a certified arts group with the ministry of Culture.
Get framed, an activity that started as a pun, has so far captured over 1500 individuals and only recently reached the president of the nation, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy Mr. William Ruto. Check out 

#Uwezoframed in facebook.
Other notable persons to be framed include Boniface Mwangi of (Pawa254), Pastor Rahab Omunzi, graffiti artists Bankslave and swift, h_art band, professors from the University of Nairobi, Prof. Judy Wakhungu and Prof Jacob Kaiinenyi. Other events where the frame has been include, the annual University of Nairobi’s School of The Arts and Design event dubbed ‘Inception, Youth Post 2015 at the University of Nairobi, BuruBuru Institute of Fine Arts Talents Day, Microsoft innov’te 4 good at 88mph, Fatuma’s voice at pawa254, with the All Saints Cathedral Youth and at the recent Uwezo Launch with the president.  As an activity it’s catching up very fast and could change our ideology on photography in events. 
‘’Upart Together is the art group that runs the #getframed harsh tag. Upart Together stands for ‘’taking Art up together. Upart together as an arts and music group has a music album out dubbed ‘’Gamechange’’ with a tracklist 

Follow us on twitter @uparttogether
Check out our facebook page and group ‘’upart together’’
 For our music you can find us in reverbnation/UpartTogether
Our email address is Uparttogether
Contact us at 0726-662197, 0725520872 or 070701437482